Summer is moving right along. After Jackie's visit Tracy came up and now Jackie is heading up again for a weekend of fishing. Tim is very sick and tired of fishing. I don't mind so much. I actually like fishing, except at night. I also decided leaches are better than worms, and yes, I touch leaches.
When Tracy was here our fishing trophies came up short but we had a good time at the Sawyer County Fair, the casino and were treated to a beautiful sunset while fishing at twilight. I hope you can see the rays of blue on the photo. Usually, you see rays of sunlight bursting over the horizon, this time I saw clouds with blue sky streaking and forming the rays. It is reflected in the water too. Man I wish I had a $$$$$ camera sometimes. I might replace Zoe on the front of the blog with that picture. It was awsome, I've never seen it before. I posted a picture of Jackie and Tim walking along the Lake Superior shoreline after fishing the big water. She had the only catch, a 3 inch white fish. Enjoy the pix!